Sunday, January 22, 2017

Get To Know Me Survey

Hi there! Hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend. Currently I am sitting on the couch watching the football playoffs. GO PATRIOTS! 

One thing I love about reading blogs is getting to know the blogger. I realized I haven't shared much about myself besides the basics so I thought I would do a little survey so my readers could get to know me. Feel free to answer the questions about yourself in the comments! 

1. What's your middle name? Lynn

2. What's your favorite drink? I'm a big water drinker. But besides that, coffee, tea, and wine. Red or white, I'll drink anything! 

3. What's your favorite food? This is such a hard question. Sushi, pickles, lobster and gummy candy.

4. What's your favorite song at the moment? Shape Of You by Ed Sheehan is definitely a song I'm jamming out to in my car currently. And I've recently downloaded Adele's 25 album. (I know I'm a little late on this one). Remedy by Adele has been giving me all the feels lately. It's a favorite for sure.

5. Favorite color? Purple. And green cause I can't choose just one.

6. How many siblings do you have? One, an older brother who's exactly two and half years older.

7. What's your favorite clothing store? Of course I don't have just one (cause hello I am a very indecisive person). I love J-Crew, The Loft, Old Navy, Lululemon and Nordstrom.

8. PC or MAC? MAC

9. How tall are you? 5'9 

10. Favorite TV show? The Chicago series, Real Housewives, Vanderpump Rules, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and Law & Order SVU.

11. Favorite restaurantBluefins Sushi & Sake Bar. Hands down my favorite restaurant on Cape Cod. I've been going there for years and it's never disappoint! 

12. What's your proudest accomplishment? Graduating nursing school and passing my nursing boards. 

13. What do you do to relax? Besides poor myself a hefty glass of wine? I find cleaning and organizing relaxing. I often organize and reorganize my closet when I'm feeling stressed. Sounds cliche but, a nice walk on the beach while listening to music and searching for sea glass is something I like to do to clear my mind. 

14. Do you collect anything? Sea glass! I have a little mason jar where I keep all the glass I collect. It's something I used to do all the time last year. I'd grab a coffee and go walk on the beach searching for glass. It's something I want to start doing more frequently again. 
- The face you make when you find the perfect piece of sea glass.

15. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? My camera, Aquaphor and all the wine.

16. What is one thing you will never do again? Skydive. It was fun, thrilling and as amazing as I thought it would be, I just don't think I could jump out of a perfectly good plane again. 

17. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean 

18. List two pet peeves. When people don't use their manners. For example, when I open or hold a door for you, say thank you. I also cannot stand when people don't crinckle the cereal bag. Nothing worse when you go to have some cereal and it's stale, am I right?

19. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Jenny, Jen, Jenny from the block, J-Mart, Jennayyyy (like forest gump). 

20. Who is your hero? My mom. She is the most amazing person I know. She always thinks of others and puts them before herself while never asking for anything in return. She's a rockstar nurse, and caring wife and mother who always gives the best advice. I'm extremely lucky to have her as my mama! 


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