Saturday, December 30, 2017

Reflecting on 2017

When I think back on this past year, I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I'm not sure I can put it into words but, I feel so incredibly lucky and thankful for the life I live, the people in my life, the job I have, and the experiences I get to enjoy. I've always known how lucky I am and it is something I never want to take for granted. 2017 was just a year that I would get all caught up in these moments where I would stop and think, "I can't believe this is my life and I am so god damn lucky". 

It was a year where I made a promise to myself to never leave this beautiful place I call home. 

It was a year where all the pieces of the puzzle were put together.

It was a year filled with many AMAZING vacations. 


It was the year I found my favorite place on earth, Little Cinnamon Bay.

It was the year I fell even more madly in love with this kind, trustworthy, hardworking, handsome, life-saving, romantic, wonderful man. 

It was the year I gained a sister.

It was the year I turned 25 and felt pretty fine! Haha, in all honestly it was really the year where I truly felt the most comfortable and confident in my own skin. 

It was the year my PD and RA went into remission! 

It was a year with lots of trips to see my best girlfriends. 

It was the first year I truly and fully lived on my own and in own apartment. Lots of up and downs in that little place and I certainly learned a lot about myself. 

It was the year we welcomed a new cute little fury guy into our lives. 

It was the year I finally got off of night shift! 

It was the year I realized I become more like my mother year after year.

It was the year I gained some pretty rad girlfriends.

And finally, it was the year we bought our first home! 

Cheers to 2017 and hoping that 2018 is just as wonderful, although I am pretty sure it will be!

Have a safe and Happy New Year!
