Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Catching up!

Hey there! I can't believe that its been more than a month since my last blog spot. Sorry about that! The end of my last semester of nursing school was quickly approaching so I was studying for finals, packing my apartment up to move back home, applying for the NCLEX, and starting to job search. Things have calmed down now so, I am hoping to get back to blogging once a week. So, lets catch up because I have a lot to share since my last post.


I received my nursing pin and my Bachelors of Science in Nursing all on the same day, and I still can't believe that chapter of my life is over. I think I had a permanent smile on my face all day. I officially completed one of the hardest and demanding things I have ever done in my life, and man does it feel good! It is definitely a bittersweet feeling that it is over. I am definitely going to miss going to class and seeing my "nursing family". The bond and relationships that you make with your nursing classmates is really unlike anything else because they are really the only other people who understand what you're going through. I'll miss them so very much but, I am so excited to see what all of us are going to accomplish in our nursing careers!

The week after graduation was filled with fun activities. My family was here from Florida to celebrate my graduation, and we wanted to continue the fun so we did a lot of cool things. 

We went to Newport, Rhode Island one day. We walked along the Cliff Walk and saw all the mansions. It was really pretty. The weather was a little foggy and cloudy but, that didn't stop us from having a good time. We also went shopping. I bought a pair of Birkenstocks. I love them! I have a hard time wearing regular sandals or flip flops because of the rheumatoid arthritis in my feet. It's not realistic for me to not wearing sandals in the summer time so after doing some research I finally bought these and couldn't be happier with my purchase. I definitely recommend them if you're dealing with a similar situation. They form to your feet which makes them very supportive. My family and I ended our day in Newport with dinner at Brick Alley Pub. I had a lobster roll and it was delicious. Check out the Brick Alley Pub if you're ever in Newport. It certainly won't disappoint. 

Our next day of adventures took us to Boston. First, we made a pit stop at F1 Boston, an indoor race car track.

It was so much fun! You get suited up in race jumpsuits with a neck guard and helmet and drive a race car 40 mph around a track. 40 mph is fast for a track with lots of turns and corners. One race is 15 laps and it goes by so fast. There was seven of us for the race and I came in 5th which wasn't too shabby. F1 is a great day activity and I certainly will be going back at some point. After the racing, we made our way into the city where we went to Faneuil Hall, Boston Common, and Newbury Street. It was a gorgeous day in the city. And I may have spent too much money on Newbury Street but… it's Newbury Street! 

Our last adventure of the week took us to Charlestown, New Hampshire. We went zip lining at Morningside. My family and I have all been zip lining together before and it is definitely an activity we will probably keep doing every time they visit. We completed the Superman Zip Line Tour which includes seven zip lines and two suspension bridges. 

Our two guides, Josh and Dylan were great! They were very professional and made the experience lots of fun. I was only really nervous on the first zip just because you always have to get the first one over with. After that, each zip got better and better.

That's what I've been up to! I was so happy to have my family here for a little vacation and so grateful they came to celebrate my graduation. I don't see them as often as I'd like because they live in Florida but, every time we get together we just pick up right where we left off. I can't wait until we see them again! 

I have a lot of ideas for future posts including my Rheumatoid Arthritis story so, be on the lookout for that. I will be doing weekly posts now that I have my life back :)

  • What have you been up to? 
  • Any other college graduates out there? 
  • Any fun summer plans?